Cooperative d’ Initiatives Jeunes (CIJ)
is a public-interest cooperative established i Corsica and several French territories (PACA, Guyana…). The cooperativ implements an educational project on cooperation by concentrating its action mainly in disadvantaged suburbs, and in particular in neighborhoods defined as ‘’sensitive urban areas’’ which are often presented as territories that accumulate difficulties. Its programme allows young people – aged 16 to 25 (disadvantaged youth, NEETs, apprentices) – to learn about their own cooperative, offering services to the neighborhood population. CIJ’s youth services introduce people to the democratic functioning of an enterprise, to the collective organisation of work, to cooperative management and the functioning of the market. The young people are supervised by facilitators, supported by a local committee that brings together employment professionals, vocational training centres, cooperatives and actors from the social economy sector. CIJ develops new approaches to enable disadvantaged young people to take control of their destiny through the development of a strong spirit of initiative and enterprise (SIE) and to become part of society. Finally, the CIJ enables disadvantaged young people to take control of their destiny through the development of a strong spirit of initiative. For years, CIJ has been involved in many European programmes in order to strengthen its practices and also to bring new innovative tools to youth. With a strong focus on the environment, the CIJ is increasingly involved in projects that highlight youth innovation and action in the fight against global warming.
Social Innovation & Cohesion Institute
is an non-profit organization established in Thessaloniki since 2015. Fifty-Fifty was created to empower and support individuals, children, youth and adults, into their quest for a better world in terms of education, training, self development and participation pursuits. Fifty- Fifty visions a world in which every individual attains the right to education, development and participation Fifty-Fifty works with communities to increase public awareness, improve, develop and help create a society based on inclusion and innovation, as an organization of civil society, established to help individuals, communities and institutions to develop their skills, improve their performance and share knowledge to be able to meet the challenges of society and thus contribute actively to the development of a European area of skills and qualifications Fifty-Fifty’s mission is to transform our culture by educating, inspiring, and mobilizing a global community to create real change, by promote lifelong learning and initiatives of transnational aspect specifically addressed to young people, adult learners and professionals, through non-formal education. Fifty-Fifty’s main vision is to develop innovation to be implemented at the level of civil society and therefore contribute to social cohesion
Training Activities in form of:
- Training seminars in several fields
- Production of educational material
- ICT tools development
- Working linked closely with various public bodies in national and international level
Founded in 2009, INNETICA is a non-profit association whose mission is to promote cooperation between entities throughout Europe to promote European values, in accordance with article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. For this, we mainly focus on three fields:
- Education and training: INNETICA will contribute to improving
the quality of Education and Training of the associated entities through the development of European projects that facilitate innovation and the exchange of good practices. It will also support and organize training programs, symposia and conferences, cooperating and collaborating with national and international organizations.
- Research, development and social and cultural innovation: all
this through an innovative vision of the activity of educational entities and training centres that must integrate respect for ethical values. The research and innovation carried out by INNETICA have as its focus and objective the human being in any of its social and cultural environments.
- ICT applied to education and social and cultural innovation: in
addition, INNETICA aims to use all kinds of electronic media that can have different purposes: didactic, health, cultural, well-being … In addition to this, we want to promote sustainable development through different initiatives aimed at protecting the environment. We integrate a diversity of European partners to promote research projects, technological development and social innovation, in addition to developing educational projects and teaching activities
STANDO LTD (STANDOutEdu) is a research and educational organisation based in Cyprus, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We are, at the same time, an approved VET Centre accredited by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus. The strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners. Our dynamic and experienced academics, researchers and practitioners are committed in implementing large scale co-funded projects and collaborate with organizations from Cyprus and around the world. We actively participate in the planning and implementation of national and international projects, aiming at providing innovative solutions that facilitate the development of people and the cohesion of societies. Since 2016, we are providing a series of professional and academic trainings under the scope of Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2, as well as courses, seminars and consulting services to various target groups (children, students, youths, teachers, policy makers, parents, and adults), learners and staff of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and Adult Centres. STANDO LTD (STANDOutEdu) offers services in the areas of professional training and development through innovative methodologies in formal and non-formal settings .
The Innovation and Sustainable Development Institute
The Innovation and Sustainable Development Institute is an organization of youthful character and orientation. The actions carried out, in cooperation with other bodies, are seminars, workshops and research studies in fields of entrepreneurship, human rights, active citizenship, sport and hygiene, sustainable development. It is also active at European level as it participates in the implementation of European programs as a Coordinator and as a partner. Through the participating networks it is in contact with a variety of partners through which it can identify the appropriate young people involved and enhance the dissemination of project results in this
project. Objectives are:
- To update and inform members on developments in National, European, and international level,
- Planning and implementing community service projects with collaborating bodies and
Regional Authorities,
- To promote of Sustainable Development.
- The enhancement of the value of environmental protection and renewable energy.